Saturday, November 05, 2005

Feeling under the weather :(

What in the world does that mean anyway ? I know it means feeling sick or not exactly up to par ,but where in the world did that come from?Was someone standing under a tornado and thought to themselves...You know I am feeling bad here ..hey haha I am feeling under the weather?So bizarre,so bizarre...Anyway ,whatever it means or where ever it came from ..I am feeling it.I woke up this morning at 6:24 to be exact ...on a SATURDAY !!! that is unheard of uless I am going to catch a flight.I woke up not being able to breathe..My throat hurting and not being able to swallow because my mouth was bone dry.Not a good feeling.So I got up and made me some hot tea with honey and lemon and blew my nose about a hundred and fifty times in a row..I felt like I was trying to break a record or something ...I got to feeling better though and now the later the day gets the worse I am feeling.Man I don't want to be sick ...Everyone send me prayers,good thoughts,garlic,OJ whatever you think will help would ya? Uggghhhh!!!I can not afford to get sick ...I hate being sick and further more...I do not want to be sick..I hope all of you had a great Saturday!!If none of this makes sense or I have typos or spelling errors...please forgive me ..I am feeling under the weather remember?That means I am to lazy to proofread...Ok I am going to make me some tea and lay down now....Ciao


  1. Hope you get to feeling better. Gotta love it when the weather changes to flu season.... Get some rest and feel better.

  2. 'Under the weather' is a silly phrase!

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    hope you're feeling better, maybe try some chicken soup.

  4. Feel better soon! You're in our prayers!

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I said a prayer for you Present Storm. Hope you feel better soon Girlfriend.


  6. Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It's monday so I'm hoping you are feeling better now. If now I hope soon.

  8. Hope your feeling on top of the weather very soon!

  9. Hope you are feeling better, Stormii!! :)

  10. hope you're feeling "above the weather"... heehee.

  11. Anonymous8:27 PM

    are you still sick or just busy?


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