Sunday, November 13, 2005

Join me in my celebration

That is right ..I am declaring it my official "pimp my tenant day"...I have the wonderful pleasure of renting to my awesome MIL...Which is pretty funny because that would so never happen in real I would love for her to enjoy her stay and hope that she too.. enjoys the view from up there .I invite each and every one of you to go give her a visit.She is starting out in the blog world but has taken to it rather nicely.It did not take her long at all to become quite addicted...She blames Guppy and I of course...I think it is great .I love spending time with her and this gives us something else to talk about So please join me in celebrating my "pimp my tenant day " .....LOL Have a great Sunday all!!!



  1. Anonymous5:48 PM


  2. Very cool...I wanna wake up and go sit on my dock with some coffee too! Oh, wait..I'm dreaming fair!


You Bless Me

It has been awhile since I've blogged. Does anyone still blog anymore? I used to blog daily and look forward to visiting all my blog fri...