Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Prayer Request -Sticky Post

I am going to keep this as a sticky post for awhile, so please scroll down to read the daily posts.

I have a prayer request to all of those of you out there that are the praying kind. My aunts 8 month old little girl, baby Andrea, was life flighted today to a Louisville hospital. They are not sure what is wrong with her but they have an idea. Her temperature has stayed at about 103 and her hemoglobins are dropping. They suspect that she may have a blood disease that the father had. I am not sure of all the details or any of them right now. I got this info second hand from another aunt that went over to watch the little boy (she is the twin to him). He is not showing any signs of illness but is restless. I am sure he can tell something is wrong. My aunt , alone with other aunts and uncles and my grandparents headed up to Louisville to be with them. I am just asking for prayers for this baby. I pray that they get her to the right doctor that can diagnose what is wrong with her ,and that she gets better very soon. I pray that the Lord keeps her in his grip. Thank you in advance to all of you that are sending prayers up for her and the family. My aunt is doing better then expected ,but still not real good. She is exhausted. She has stayed right by her bedside at the other hospital for days now. She is also worried as you can imagine...My aunt ( their mother) has MS so she needs her rest too... I pray that she gets that and that she does not totally wear herself out. Thank you and God Bless you!


  1. You got it. She's in my immediate thoughts and prayers! Let me know.

  2. Dearest Stormi, you have my prayers. I will also send this out to my prayer group around the world and have them start praying as well.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Praying for your aunt and her family :)

  4. Lots of prayers being lifted for this family.....

  5. Ohhh poor thing. I'm sure the Lord above has reasons for everything. Hope everyone gets enough rest. They will need when the little one comes out fully recovered.
    My prayers will be sent and will last till the little one's out and up.

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Sending prayers and hugs! ((()))

  7. Praying here....May God hold each person involved in His hand and grant them strength and peace. And may healing come to this little one.



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