Thursday, August 25, 2005

My dogs think they are cats ...

Both of my dogs think they are cats ....After using the bathroom they take their back legs and push the grass like they are trying to cover it up like a cat .I have never seen a dog do this and now I have two that do it ...I am wondering if that is normal dog behavior and I just always had abnormal dogs up til now? They also both get a mouth full of food ...walk to a different room drop it on the ground and then eat it .What is up with that ? Does anyone elses dog do this?Oh yeah and for an update on the new dog ( Gizmo) and Daizii ...they are getting along great now .They love to play tug of war,which is so cute because of the size difference .Gizmo pulls with all he has and Daizii just stands there We have some pics of it that I will have to post when I get a little more awake ...Have a great Thursday and don't forget it's BB night ( yeah like any of us would forget that ..lmao )


  1. So glad that Daizii and Gizmo are getting along! My dog does the same thing with his food. It drives me crazy.

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    both my mini-doxies do that if they're outside. but they both think they're cats anyway, particularly since they use their dog-litter box instead of having to be let outside.

    the food thing: the littler dachshund does this all the time. drives me crazy because it takes her 18 times as long to eat as the other dog.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    My dogs do that too!! :)

    Looking forward to BB tonight. I hope someone on our team gets HoH...

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    My dogs do that too!! :)

    Looking forward to BB tonight. I hope someone on our team gets HoH...

  5. My dog does that...the pooping and the eating thing...thank goodness...I thought he needed therapy

  6. i don't know about the pooping and the covering but my old dog would only eat her food on the first step of our stairs... nowhere else!

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Occasionally our dog is take a mouthful of food and bring it in the living room to eat it, I have no idea why, but I always hate when he does it cause he leaves crumbs!

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    i don't have a dog, now i'm wondering if maybe i should get a cat that thinks it's a dog?

  9. My dog does it. I've got 4 cats too..start worrying when he tries to use the litter box. My dog has done that!


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