Saturday, August 13, 2005

Warning this is a BB6 Rant !!!!!

Ok raise your hand if you want to take April and smack Jenny with her ..What a pair of liars ..OMG !!!!!Atleast with the good side (meaning Kaysar,Janelle etc...) they will do what they say they are going to do .They will just not say if they are about to ambush you ..I am really upset at Kaysar for believing the she devil herself ..On the live feeds the bad side is talking about backdooring Kaysar instead of James ..You know what ....If that happens then I am rooting for James all the way ..NOT because I like the guy ,because I can't at all ...But he would deserve it because everyone else is so damn stupid ..OHHHHH I am so annoyed now ...Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! This show is driving me crazy


  1. I would be so pissed if they backdoored him..

    OH MY GOSH..

    what idiots

    I so was telling kaysar.. DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT!

  2. Me too ...lmao
    How could he have been so dumb :(


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