Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Thanks for the kind words ..

Thank you all for the kind words ..It has been an emotional rollercoaster as I am sure a few of you know ...I am glad to know I am not the only person in the world with money issues ..lol Well I must clear something up for someone that left me a comment ...I Do not ever wish to sell my hubby nor was my intention to bash him in my blog ..I was frustrated and needed an outlet ..I couldn't call anyone seeing as the phone got dissconnected ..lol Anyway ..The dust has settled a bit and I know almost what the damage is ( it's not so pretty ) .I think the thing that bothers me most of all ...well actually I don't think ,I know the most disturbing thing to me was the dishonesy ..The fact that he kept me totally in the dark for like 5 months all the while he was doing alot of damage to not just him ...I won't go into anymore detail than that ....I do however feel blessed to have him and I took my vows very seriously ...for better or worse I am here ..I do now however have the sole resposibilty of ALL finances and money ..He will now be getting a very small allowance ..lol Ohhhhh if you guys only knew the damage ...Anyway I do thank all of you again for the very supportive words ..It is good to know people out there have been through the same or similar and actually care ...
On a much lighter note I thought I would post two pics of little one after she fell asleep in my lap a few years ago ...lol I Had Guppy grab the hair goodies and I went to town ..I can't believe she slept through all this ..Anyway it was definately worth getting a pic of ...so here you are :




  1. I'm glad to hear that things have worked out after a fashion! And such cute pics!!!

  2. Glad to hear you are having a better day. FWIW, we do the allowance thing too. I didn't seriously think you sell poor Guppy, but that may have solved a bill or two, hey? :-)

  3. I hope your husband hasn't put you too deep in the hole. You can work up a budget and get yourself back on financial ground. I have been married for 33 years and I have been in charge of the bills the entire time except for the first three months.
    The good thing about marriage is that husband and wife need to be supportative of each other. Where I am weak my husband is strong. We seem to balance each other out. Work to find out what your weaknesses and strengths are and work together as a team to fill in the middle gound. You can do it. Good luck!

  4. Well I'm glad you are feeling better...that is obvious by the cute pics! Hang in there...we all want to sell our husbands at one time or another you know!

  5. glad that you got things settled. as to what TwistofKate said, we do have that moments when we want to sell our hubby's... me, i usually threaten to return him to his mother! LOL!

    btw, i do that to my daughter, too.

  6. Aren't you glad you started your blog so you would have such an outlet? :) Good luck to you both.

    LOVE the pics!

  7. Glad things are going better for ya!
    The hair is hilarious!

  8. Cindy Lu Who ?..lol Yeah she does ..lol


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